Jesus was a friend of sinners. Do you ever see Jesus getting upset with sinners? No. Jesus understood that sinners act like sinners. Do you know why sinners act like sinners? Because they are sinners. He never expected them to act differently.
The only people that ever ticked Jesus off were religious people. People who were sinners but refused to acknowledge the fact. People who believed they were more righteous than others. Religion, in my most humble opinion, is the greatest hindrance to the abundant life Jesus came to give us. And religion can be very dangerous.
Anthony de Mello, a Jesuit priest, tells the story of an Italian couple that was getting married. They had reserved the parish courtyard for the reception, but it rained. So they asked the priest if they could have the celebration in the church. They said, “All we want to do is have a little cake, sing a few songs, drink a little wine, and then go home.” The priest reluctantly agreed.
Everybody was having a great time of fun and fellowship. And like all life-loving Italians, they ate a little cake, drank a little wine, sang a few songs, and drank a little more wine. But the priest was all agitated over the noise they were making in the church. The assistant pastor, noticing how uptight the priest was, said, “Father, I see you are all tense.”
The priest: “Of course, I’m tense. Listen to all the noise they are making, and in the House of God, for heaven’s sake!”
The pastor: “Well, Father, they really had no place to go.”
The priest: “I know that! But do they have to make all that racket?”
The pastor: “Well, we must remember that Jesus Christ was once present at a wedding banquet.”
The priest: “I know that. YOU don’t have to tell me that Jesus Christ was at a wedding banquet! But they didn’t have the Blessed Sacrament there!!!!” (from the book, Awareness, by Anthony de Mello).
With religion, a lot of times the Blessed Sacrament, or the liturgy, or the denomination, or whatever religious observance becomes more important than Jesus Christ. When worship becomes more important than love… when the church becomes more important than life… when holding on to our concept of God becomes more important than loving our neighbor… religion becomes very dangerous because it puts a basket over the very light that could save the world from darkness.
Did not Jesus, Himself, tell us that human beings were much more important than the Sabbath? To Jesus, a transformed life was far more important to Him than worship. And if that ticks you off, maybe YOU are a little too uptight. Lighten up!
You think about that…
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What's Coming Up...
- On Wednesday evening, May 13, 2009 at 6:30 pm, we will try to finish our study on the Book of Revelation before Jesus comes back to get us. If He does come back, we won't meet.
- Wanda and I still need some people who are passionate about small groups to be a part of a strategy development team to help everyone get CONNECTED to some small group. If you have the desire and the time, please contact us immediately.
- We will need some volunteers to help with the Red Cross Blood Drive held at RHCC on Thursday, June 18. The time is 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Call the church office if you can help. Thanks.
More Ponderings with Papa
I’ve been sick with the croupy crud for the last few days. I don’t normally get sick. Wanda says I’m too mean for germs to live in my body. She’s probably right. Anyhow, I’ve had to sit around and do nothing since Sunday afternoon. I preached Sunday morning and can barely remember what I said. Most of the people who listen to my sermons have the same experience. Maybe that’s a good thing, especially this past Sunday.
Wanda cleaned out the medicine cabinet. She brought out four or five different cold and flu medications, and I took them all. I still feel like a zombie. Not much different than usual, huh? Nevertheless, this forced inactivity has given me some time for reflection. I’ve had some time to just ponder with Papa. He didn’t give me any answers. He seldom does. What fun would that be to have the answers? It’s the journey that’s enjoyable, not the destination. It’s the search that’s stimulating and challenging, not the discovery.
Here are a few things I’m learning on my journey (Keep in mind that I’m hung over on cold medicine.):
Ø Control is an illusion. I have about as much control over my life as a leaf in a tornado. I can’t control my health, my wealth, my friends and family, what goes on at work, much less the circumstances I encounter everyday. I can’t control whether I get a raise or lose my job. I can’t control how you interpret my ideas in this writing. I can’t control whether you like me or not, but I sure as heck try real hard to make sure you do. Therefore I measure my words carefully so as not to offend any of you. That’s why I feel frustrated most of the time. There are things in my heart I would love to share that do not make much sense, but I’d like to talk about them to someone who would listen. But then, I would be giving that person control of who I am, because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So I choose to be frustrated because I think I have to be in control. And control is the Matrix. And the Matrix is not real.
Ø What time is it? The time is NOW. I am what I am at this moment. I am not what I WAS. I am not what I SHALL BE. As Popeye says, “I yam what I yam.” God is pretty much like that Himself. He calls Himself, the Great “I AM.” He does not call Himself the Great “I WAS.” Nor does He call Himself, the Great “I SHALL BE.” He is and lives in the eternal NOW. God is not trapped by time as we are. Everything that has ever happened, is happening and will happen, God is experiencing NOW!!! Wow! If we are made in His image, maybe we should be living in the NOW. It’s all we have. The past is gone, and tomorrow is not here yet. All we have is this moment. Do we really want to waste it by fretting over the past and worrying about the future over which we have no control?
Ø Who am I? You will have to look fast because I am constantly changing. Life is dynamic. It never stays the same, and neither do I. God keeps stretching me, making more room for Himself inside of me. He keeps showing me more and more of Himself. And the more get to know Him, the less I know about Him. Knowing facts about Him was the way I tried to stay in control. I figured if I could understand God, I could be in control of how I wanted Him to play out in my life. I could manipulate Him into being and doing what I wanted. Then I would be happy.
Ø God created me to be happy. God wants me to be happy. Then why am I so miserable? Because my happiness is found only in total dependence upon Him. To be dependent upon Him means I must give up control. Therein lies the rub.
Ø The world lies to me, and I believe the lie. The world tells me that there are certain things without which I cannot be happy. These things are called ATTACHMENTS. Until I let go of my attachments, I will never be happy. Oh, if I get my attachment, I may experience momentary pleasure or a sense of fulfillment, but it will be fleeting at best. Because once I get my attachment, I’ve got to worry about how to keep it and that kicks me out of the NOW into worrying about the FUTURE. It is a vicious cycle. Believe me, I know.
Ø Do you have any attachments? Do you have anything in your life that you believe you could not live happily without? Ask God to make you aware of what they are. AWARENESS is the key to true happiness that never fades. Once we see attachments for what they are, we simply drop them. But we cannot try to drop them on our own. That would put us back into the control cycle that leads us back into bondage. We simply have to ask God to drop them FOR us. If we stay attached to Him, then we can be happy regardless of how life changes, because He never does. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Beloved, it’s time to DETACH! You think about that…
Wanda cleaned out the medicine cabinet. She brought out four or five different cold and flu medications, and I took them all. I still feel like a zombie. Not much different than usual, huh? Nevertheless, this forced inactivity has given me some time for reflection. I’ve had some time to just ponder with Papa. He didn’t give me any answers. He seldom does. What fun would that be to have the answers? It’s the journey that’s enjoyable, not the destination. It’s the search that’s stimulating and challenging, not the discovery.
Here are a few things I’m learning on my journey (Keep in mind that I’m hung over on cold medicine.):
Ø Control is an illusion. I have about as much control over my life as a leaf in a tornado. I can’t control my health, my wealth, my friends and family, what goes on at work, much less the circumstances I encounter everyday. I can’t control whether I get a raise or lose my job. I can’t control how you interpret my ideas in this writing. I can’t control whether you like me or not, but I sure as heck try real hard to make sure you do. Therefore I measure my words carefully so as not to offend any of you. That’s why I feel frustrated most of the time. There are things in my heart I would love to share that do not make much sense, but I’d like to talk about them to someone who would listen. But then, I would be giving that person control of who I am, because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So I choose to be frustrated because I think I have to be in control. And control is the Matrix. And the Matrix is not real.
Ø What time is it? The time is NOW. I am what I am at this moment. I am not what I WAS. I am not what I SHALL BE. As Popeye says, “I yam what I yam.” God is pretty much like that Himself. He calls Himself, the Great “I AM.” He does not call Himself the Great “I WAS.” Nor does He call Himself, the Great “I SHALL BE.” He is and lives in the eternal NOW. God is not trapped by time as we are. Everything that has ever happened, is happening and will happen, God is experiencing NOW!!! Wow! If we are made in His image, maybe we should be living in the NOW. It’s all we have. The past is gone, and tomorrow is not here yet. All we have is this moment. Do we really want to waste it by fretting over the past and worrying about the future over which we have no control?
Ø Who am I? You will have to look fast because I am constantly changing. Life is dynamic. It never stays the same, and neither do I. God keeps stretching me, making more room for Himself inside of me. He keeps showing me more and more of Himself. And the more get to know Him, the less I know about Him. Knowing facts about Him was the way I tried to stay in control. I figured if I could understand God, I could be in control of how I wanted Him to play out in my life. I could manipulate Him into being and doing what I wanted. Then I would be happy.
Ø God created me to be happy. God wants me to be happy. Then why am I so miserable? Because my happiness is found only in total dependence upon Him. To be dependent upon Him means I must give up control. Therein lies the rub.
Ø The world lies to me, and I believe the lie. The world tells me that there are certain things without which I cannot be happy. These things are called ATTACHMENTS. Until I let go of my attachments, I will never be happy. Oh, if I get my attachment, I may experience momentary pleasure or a sense of fulfillment, but it will be fleeting at best. Because once I get my attachment, I’ve got to worry about how to keep it and that kicks me out of the NOW into worrying about the FUTURE. It is a vicious cycle. Believe me, I know.
Ø Do you have any attachments? Do you have anything in your life that you believe you could not live happily without? Ask God to make you aware of what they are. AWARENESS is the key to true happiness that never fades. Once we see attachments for what they are, we simply drop them. But we cannot try to drop them on our own. That would put us back into the control cycle that leads us back into bondage. We simply have to ask God to drop them FOR us. If we stay attached to Him, then we can be happy regardless of how life changes, because He never does. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Beloved, it’s time to DETACH! You think about that…
Monday, May 4, 2009
Papa Ponderings
Have you ever been addicted to a TV show? I watched “Lost” for a couple of seasons until it got to be really weird. You would think that a handful of survivors from a plane crash trying to get off a desert island could only last a couple of seasons, right? No. They have escaped and then returned to the island to get “lost” again for several seasons now. What’s up with that? And the island has all this mysterious twilight zone stuff going on like a whispy dark cloud-like doomaflitchy that kills people and polar bears on a tropical island. Wow!
I’ve been wondering why the show keeps people hooked. Then I realized that my journey with Papa is a lot like “Lost.” I know there is an “answer” to all His mystery, but I can’t quite get a handle on Him. Just about the time I think I’ve got Him figured out, He upsets my apple cart. Why would people who think He doesn’t exist have lots of money and perfect health while people who have faithfully served Him struggle to make ends meet and suffer from cancer? If Jesus is the only way to Papa, then why does God allow all these other religions to deceive people and lead them astray? Why is there suffering in the world? Why do children starve in some parts of the world and in other parts they die from obesity? Mysterious, huh?
“Some things are hidden. They belong to the Lord our God. But the things that have been revealed in these teachings belong to us and to our children forever. We must obey every word of these teachings” (Deuteronomy 29:29 GWT).
Mark Twain once said, “It’s not the things in the Bible I don’t understand that bothers me. It’s the parts I do understand.” I understand that He is God, and I am not. I may not be so bold as to say I want to be God, but I sure do like to give Him advice on how I think He should do things. I know I should love everyone, but I don’t love like He does. I know I should forgive quickly and fully, but I don’t always do so.
I would like to put God in a box so I could control Him, but I haven’t found a box big enough yet. I can never quite get to the place where I give up hope than I can get a handle on how He works, and so my pursuit of God continues. Maybe that’s the way Papa wants it. Maybe in my quest to squeeze Him into my box, I learn a little bit more about Him. Maybe the next bit of information will be the key that unlocks the treasure that He is. Maybe that’s why Papa is okay with my questions and doubts. Maybe that’s why people are so enamored with “Lost.” The thrill is in the pursuit. What would be the fun in having Him all figured out?
Jesus said, “For the Son of Man came to find and restore the lost” (Luke 19:10 MSG). Maybe in our search for Him, He finds us, not the other way around. Maybe He has a sequel for “Lost.” Maybe He will call it “Found.” And there’s no maybe about it. That show will last for eternity.
I’ve been wondering why the show keeps people hooked. Then I realized that my journey with Papa is a lot like “Lost.” I know there is an “answer” to all His mystery, but I can’t quite get a handle on Him. Just about the time I think I’ve got Him figured out, He upsets my apple cart. Why would people who think He doesn’t exist have lots of money and perfect health while people who have faithfully served Him struggle to make ends meet and suffer from cancer? If Jesus is the only way to Papa, then why does God allow all these other religions to deceive people and lead them astray? Why is there suffering in the world? Why do children starve in some parts of the world and in other parts they die from obesity? Mysterious, huh?
“Some things are hidden. They belong to the Lord our God. But the things that have been revealed in these teachings belong to us and to our children forever. We must obey every word of these teachings” (Deuteronomy 29:29 GWT).
Mark Twain once said, “It’s not the things in the Bible I don’t understand that bothers me. It’s the parts I do understand.” I understand that He is God, and I am not. I may not be so bold as to say I want to be God, but I sure do like to give Him advice on how I think He should do things. I know I should love everyone, but I don’t love like He does. I know I should forgive quickly and fully, but I don’t always do so.
I would like to put God in a box so I could control Him, but I haven’t found a box big enough yet. I can never quite get to the place where I give up hope than I can get a handle on how He works, and so my pursuit of God continues. Maybe that’s the way Papa wants it. Maybe in my quest to squeeze Him into my box, I learn a little bit more about Him. Maybe the next bit of information will be the key that unlocks the treasure that He is. Maybe that’s why Papa is okay with my questions and doubts. Maybe that’s why people are so enamored with “Lost.” The thrill is in the pursuit. What would be the fun in having Him all figured out?
Jesus said, “For the Son of Man came to find and restore the lost” (Luke 19:10 MSG). Maybe in our search for Him, He finds us, not the other way around. Maybe He has a sequel for “Lost.” Maybe He will call it “Found.” And there’s no maybe about it. That show will last for eternity.
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