Wednesday, April 22, 2009


ATTENTION!!! New Stuff!!!

JOY Class Moves

Our JOY Sunday School class will begin meeting in the KidZone room in the church life center beginning this Sunday, April 26, 2009. Don’t walk across the street. You’ll have to turn around and come back. See you Sunday.

S-Group Development Team

I need help. (Be nice. You know what I mean.) I need some help getting people CONNECTED in S-Groups. If you have a passion for S-Groups and would like to team up with Wanda and me to brainstorm some ideas and ways to get people involved, PLEASE call or email Wanda ( or (704)477-6590). I have asked Wanda to head up this team. She is a great organizer and idea gal. I have some books and material I’d like for us to study to get a broad range of ideas and concepts to really get S-Groups up and running. We need YOU!

Disciple Bible Study

We need some facilitators for Disciple Bible Study. DBS is a 32-week survey study of the entire Bible. You will learn the background, theme and overall view of every book of the Bible. If you would like to take the course, or if you will like to LEAD a group, please contact me (


Wednesday, April 29th, I will be in Atlanta with the rest of our staff attending a conference.
Wednesday, May 6th, we will enjoy a concert featuring The Sometime Singers and The Music Men.
We will RESUME Bible Study on WEDNESDAY, May 13th, at 6:30 pm.


We would like to have a Red Cross Blood Drive here at RHCC on June 18th. But we still need a COORDINATOR to register people and make appointments. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please let me know. The more help we get, the easier it will be. Thanks in advance for your willingness to serve.

Publicize YOUR S-Group

If you have a group that is open to adding new members, publicize it on this blog. Tell a little bit about the group. Give the time and day of your meeting. Send me a picture of you so people can put a face with your name. Also give an email and/or phone number for people to contact you.

The best way to do this is by posting a comment with all this information. Keep promoting S-Groups! Thanks for the help.

Lay Aside Every Weight

LAEW continues this Sunday, April 26th from 6 to 8 pm. Notebooks will be available this week. If you missed the first session, no problem. We will review and catch you up this week. Invite a friend. For those of you who don’t know what LAEW is, here you go:

Ever feel lonely? Disconnected? Depressed? Angry? Discouraged? Joyless? Kinda like you have a cement block on your chest? Like you just ran a marathon and they tell you to keep running? Having trouble sustaining harmonious relationships? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Well, Papa God invites you to “lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset you.” Come and experience the healing, loving grace of God for those wounds and heaviness you’ve been carrying around for years. He never meant for you to be burdened down with the weight of past hurts and experiences. This event will positively change your life. If you are ready for that, call the church office to sign up. We’ll be expecting you. Invite some friends as well. Don’t put it off. Just do it!

Lay Aside Every Weight Seminar Information

Five Sunday evenings beginning April 19 thru May 17, 2009.

Time.......................... 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Cost........................... FREE!

River Hills Community Church
104 Hamiltons Ferry Road
Lake Wylie, SC
Seminar Instructor: Kenny Ashley

Serendipity Bibles

A Serendipity Bible is the greatest tool in the world for S-Groups. Every passage in the Bible has icebreakers, discussion starters and questions in the margins. It also has topical studies for men, women, singles, marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, special needs and many more.

I have a few of these Bibles left. You can purchase one for a mere $16 each. What a deal! It is a “gotta-have-one” if you are leading an S-Group in Bible study. Email or call me to reserve your copy.

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