Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Graceline

Aging has a way of mellowing you out. I don’t get near as bent out of shape over stuff that doesn’t matter as I once did. It’s sinking into my hard head that only one thing really matters. Jesus said so Himself.

As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed Him and made Him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word He said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. "Master, don't you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand."

The Master said,
"Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it — it's the main course, and won't be taken from her" (Luke 10:38-42 MSG).

A renown theologian was once asked the greatest revelation he had gleaned from all his years of study. He smiled and said, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” That is the only essential… allowing God to love us unconditionally so that we can love Him back and love one another. We love Him because He first loved us (I John 4:19).

What does it mean to love someone “unconditionally?” I don’t know about you, but I’ve never experienced it. I know in my heart that God loves me unconditionally, but my mind has a very difficult time wrapping itself around that concept. No human being is capable of loving another person unconditionally all the time. Oh, we may get a glimpse now and then and may even do it ourselves, but we don’t have what it takes to sustain that kind of love. Only God IS love.

The degree to which I let you love me is the degree to which you can love me, no matter how much love you have for me. The deciding factor is TRUST. I cannot let another person, or even God, love me unless I trust them. And the world, the flesh and the devil strive to destroy our trust in anyone other than ourselves. That’s why the middle letter in SIN is “I.” I trust no one but me. People who are unable to trust God and people will never experience unconditional love.

Love transforms people. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. God demonstrates His love for us by entering our world and being empathetic with us. He is the only One Who truly knows how I feel. He understands. I won’t allow God, or anyone else, to try and fix me until they understand where I am and what I’m feeling. God is the only One Who can fix me. When He loves me unconditionally, even when I won’t let Him fix me, my trust increases and my chances of experiencing His love increases proportionately.

The world’s love is so conditional. The world will love us IF… God’s love has no “if’s, and’s or but’s.” He loves us… period. Wow! What a God He is to take such a great gamble. We could take advantage of His goodness and grace and go wild. God knows that grace is risky business, but He also knows that trust comes only through unconditional love and grace. And grace is the unmerited, undeserved favor of God.

In essence, God says, “What if I tell them who they are? What if I take away any element of fear in condemnation, judgment, or rejection? What if I tell them I love them, will always love them? That I love them right now, no matter what they have done, as much as I love My only Son? That there’s nothing they can do to make my love go away? What if I tell them I don’t keep a log of past offenses, of how little they pray, how often they’ve let Me down, made promises that they don’t keep? What if I tell them they are righteous, with My righteousness, right now? What if I tell them they can stop beating themselves up? That they can stop being so formal, stiff, and jumpy around Me? What if I tell them, even if they run to the ends of the earth and do the most horrible, unthinkable things, that when they come back, I’d receive them with tears and a party? What if I tell them that if I am their Savior, they’re going to heaven no matter what--- it’s a done deal? What if I tell them they don’t have to put on a mask? That it is okay to be who they are at this moment, with all their junk? What if they knew they don’t have to look over their shoulder for fear if things get too good, the other shoe’s gonna drop? What if they knew I will never, ever use the word “punish” in relation to them? What if they knew that when they mess up, I will never “get back at them?” What if they knew the basis of our friendship isn’t how little they sin, but how much they let Me love them? What if I tell them they can hurt My heart, but that I will never hurt theirs? What if I tell them I like Eric Clapton’s music, too? What if I tell them there is no secret agenda, no trapdoor? What if I tell them that it isn’t about their self-effort, but about allowing Me to live My life through them?” (excerpt from True Faced by Thrall, McNicol and Lynch, NavPress, pages 51-52).

If we really believed that, nothing else would matter, would it?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me & Kevin Fishin'

Me and Kevin went fishin'. Or should I say, I watched Kevin fishin'. Next time, I'm gonna get him. Maybe I wasn't holdin' my mouth right.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Catching Up...

Seems like I’ve be away forever. On May 31, 2009, I had the enormous privilege of teaching four sessions of a Family Emphasis Day at Rice Memorial Baptist Church in Greenwood, South Carolina. Pastor Alvin and Debra Hodge are two of our most treasured friends. Alvin gave me my first opportunity to serve in ministry after I committed to go into full-time ministry in January, 1983. We were together for 3 ½ glorious years until we both went off to seminary. Wanda and I have not seen them is about 12 years. We took up right where we left off. That’s what good friends do, isn’t it? Boy, we had a great weekend together. Alvin and Debra have done such a great job leading that church family. All the church just loves them so much and rightfully so. So do we. The church family received Wanda and me with open arms. They made us feel right at home. What a delightful weekend.

On Thursday, June 4, 2009, I flew out to Owasso, Oklahoma to visit with our good friends, Hugh and Arlene Bryant. Hugh invited me out to do a Lay Aside Every Weight Seminar at his church there in Owaaso, Freedom Church pastored by Dr. Andrew Rankin. I have not spent any time with Hugh and Arlene in several years as well. They were so gracious and hospitable. We took a couple of tours of Tulsa. My favorite site was Southern Hills Golf Club which has hosted a U.S. Open and a PGA Championship. Tulsa is a really great town. Hugh knew all the good place to show me. I got to spend some time with Hugh and Arlene’s family. They have great kids and grandkids.

Freedom Church was a wonderful Family. They were so receptive to the seminar and so kind and gracious to me. I made some good friends there. The seminar went really well. Papa did some good stuff in all of us. Pastor Andrew and Lori were a delight.

I had two really great weekends sharing Papa’s goodness, love and grace. Now, I’m back home. I’ve missed my RHCC Family. We started our series on THE SHACK on June 14, 2009. The title was: What Really Happened at the Cross? Next week is Father’s Day. Fatherhood: Protect and Serve is the title of the message. We will be taking at look at Mack’s relationship with Missy, Mack’s relationship with his own dad, and Mack’s relationship with Papa. You won’t want to miss it.

Hopefully, I’ll be a little more consistent keeping in touch with you as things slow down a little from traveling. We have some big things planned for the 9:15 service this summer. Hope to see you Sunday. Have a blessed summer. Be safe. Love your family. Let Papa love you. Enjoy life to the max. Don’t worry. Be happy. Love you all. Blessings.